Love your articles Annika, thought provoking as always

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Great shoutout for the web accessibility standards from DIA!

In my opinion there are three more key aspects to why the NZ public service is so bad at 'ensuring' that the right things happen (in addition to the 'high trust' thing).

1) A sort of cultural cringe around setting processes or rules for others to follow - almost the polar opposite to the stereotypically German or Japanese way of doing things.

2) Apathy towards the idea of doing things in a standardised way across government (or even within a single agency) - govt agencies always seem to gravitate towards reinventing the wheel, maybe this is the dark side of the "number 8 wire" mentality and our tendency to treat innovation as a lone ranger pursuit.

3) A lack of decisive leadership at the CEO or ministerial level when it comes to enforcing things like standards that will bring huge benefits in the medium to long term - instead they vacillate because of short term issues.

These issues are obvious to anyone working in the data & technology space in the NZ government.

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